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Text File | 1996-11-13 | 53.0 KB | 1,327 lines |
- Firewalling and Proxy Server HOWTO
- Mark Grennan, markg@netplus.net
- v0.4, 8 November 1996
- This document is designed to teach the basics of firewall systems and
- give you some detail on setting up both a filtering and proxy firewall
- on a Linux based PC. An HTML version of this document is available at
- http://okcforum.org/~markg/Firewall-HOWTO.html
- 1. Introduction
- This original Firewall-HOWTO was written by David Rudder,
- drig@execpc.com. I'd like to thank him for allowing me to update his
- work.
- Firewalls have gained great fame recently as the ultimate in Internet
- Security. Like most things that gain fame, with that fame has come
- misunderstanding. This HOWTO will go over the basics of what a
- firewall is, how to set one up, what proxy servers are, how to set up
- proxy servers, and the applications of this technology outside of the
- security realm.
- 1.1. Feedback
- Any feedback is very welcome. PLEASE REPORT ANY INACCURACIES IN THIS
- PAPER!!! I am human, and prone to making mistakes. If you find any,
- fixing them is of my highest interest. I will try to answer all e-
- mail, but I am busy, so don't get insulted if I don't.
- My email address is markg@netplus.net
- 1.2. Disclaimer
- BASED ON THIS DOCUMENT. This document is meant as an introduction to
- how firewalls and proxy servers work. I am not, nor do I pretend to
- be, a security expert. I am just some guy who has read to much and
- likes computers more than most people. Please, I am writing this to
- help get people acquainted with this subject, and I am not ready to
- stake my life on the accuracy of what is in here.
- 1.3. Copyright
- Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by
- their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and
- distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic,
- as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial
- redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would
- like to be notified of any such distributions.
- All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating
- any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice.
- That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose
- additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
- may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux
- HOWTO coordinator.
- In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through
- as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright
- on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to
- redistribute the HOWTOs.
- If you have any questions, please contact Mark Grennan at
- <markg@netplus.net>.
- 1.4. My Reasons for Writing This
- Even though there were a lot of discussions on comp.os.linux.* over
- the past year about firewalling, I found it difficult to find the
- information I needed to setup a firewall. The original version of
- this HOWTO was helpful but still lacking. I hope this beefed up
- version of David Rudder's Firewall HOWTO will give everyone the
- information they need to create a functioning firewall in hours, not
- weeks.
- I also feel I should return something to the Linux community.
- 1.5. TODO
- ╖ Give some instructions on how to setup the clients
- ╖ Find a good UDP proxy server that works with Linux
- 1.6. Further Readings
- ╖ The NET-2 HOWTO
- ╖ The Ethernet HOWTO
- ╖ The Multiple Ethernet Mini HOWTO
- ╖ Networking with Linux
- ╖ TCP/IP Network Administrator's Guide by O'Reilly and Associates
- ╖ The Documentation for the TIS Firewall Toolkit
- Trusted Information System's (TIS) web site has a great collection of
- documentation on firewalls and related meterial. http://www.tis.com/
- Also, I am working on a security project called I am calling Secure
- Linux. On the Secure Linux web site I am gathering all the
- information, documemtation and programs you need to create a trusted
- Linux system. Email me if you would like information.
- 2. Understanding Firewalls
- A firewall is a term used for a part of a car. In cars, firewalls are
- physical objects that separate the engine from the passengers. They
- are meant to protect the passenger in case the car's engine catches
- fire while still providing the driver access to the engine's controls.
- A firewall in computers is a device that protects a private network
- from the public part (the internet as a whole).
- The firewall computer, from now on named "firewall", can reach both
- the protected network and the internet. The protected network can't
- reach the internet, and the internet can not reach the protected
- network.
- For someone to reach the internet from inside the protected network,
- they must telnet to firewall, and use the internet from there.
- The simplest form of a firewall is a dual homed system. (a system with
- two network connections) If you can TRUST ALL your users, you can
- simple setup a Linux (compile it with IP forwarding/gatewaying turned
- OFF!) and give everyone accounts on it. The can then login to this
- system and telnet, FTP, read mail, and use any other service you
- provided. With this setup, the only computer on your private network
- that knows anything about the outside world is the firewall. The other
- system on your protected network dont even need a default route.
- This needs re-stating. For the above firewall to work YOU MUST TRUST
- ALL YOUR USERS! I don't recommend it.
- 2.1. Drawbacks with Firewalls
- The problem with filtering firewalls are they inhibit the access to
- your network from the internet. Only services on systems that have
- pass filters can be accessed. With a proxy server users can login to
- the firewall and then access any system within the private network
- they have access to.
- Also, new types of network clients and servers a coming out almost
- daily. When they do you must find a new way to allow controled access
- before these services can be used.
- 2.2. Types of Firewalls
- There are two types of firewalls.
- 1. IP or Filtering Firewalls - that block all but selected network
- traffic.
- 2. Proxy Servers - that make the network connections for you.
- 2.2.1. IP Filtering Firewalls
- An IP filtering firewall works at the packet level. It is designed to
- control the flow of packets based the source, destination, port and
- packet type information contained in each packet.
- This type of firewall is very secure but lacks any sort of useful
- logging. It can block people from accessing private system but it will
- not tell you who accessed your public systems or who accessed the
- internet from the inside.
- Filtering firewalls are absolute filters. Even if you want to give
- someone on outside access to your private servers you can not without
- giving everyone access to the servers.
- Linux has included packet filtering software in the kernel starting
- with version 1.3.x.
- 2.2.2. Proxy Servers
- Proxy servers allow indirect internet access through the firewall. The
- best example of how this works is a person telneting to a system and
- then telneting from there to another. Only with a proxy server the
- process is automatic. When you connect to a proxy server with your
- client software, the proxy server starts it's client (proxy) software
- and passes you the data.
- Because proxy servers are duplicating all the communications they can
- log every thing they do.
- The great thing about proxy servers is that they are completely
- secure, when configured correctly. They will not allow someone in
- through them. There are no direct IP routes.
- 3. Setting up the Firewall
- 3.1. Hardware requirements
- For our example, the computer is a 486-DX66 with 16 meg of memory and
- a 500 meg Linux partition. This system has two network cards one
- connected to our private LAN and the other connected to the a lan we
- will call the de-militarized zone (DMZ). The DMZ has a router
- connected to it with a connection to the internet.
- This is a pretty standard setup for a business. You could use one
- network card and a modem with PPP to the internet. The point is, the
- firewall must have two IP network numbers.
- I know a lot of people have small LANs at home with two or three
- computers on them. Something you might consider is putting all your
- modems in on Linux box (maybe an old 386) and connecting all of them
- to the internet with load balancing. With this setup when only one
- person was pulling data they would get both modems doubling the
- throughput. :-)
- 4. Firewalling Software
- 4.1. Available packages
- If all you want is a filtering firewall, you only need Linux and the
- basic networking packages. One package that might not come with your
- distribution is the IP Firewall Administration tool.
- (IPFWADM) Comes from http://www.xos.nl/linux/ipfwadm/
- If you want to setup a poxy server you will need one of these
- packages.
- 1. SOCKS
- 2. TIS Firewall Toolkit (FWTK)
- 4.2. The TIS Firewall Toolkit vs SOCKS
- Trusted Information System (http://www.tis.com) has put out a
- collection of programs designed to facilitate firewalling. The
- programs do basically the same thing as the SOCKS package, but with a
- different design strategy. Where Socks has one program that covers
- all Internet transactions, TIS has provided one program for each
- utility that wishes to use the firewall.
- To contrast the two, let's use the example of world wide web and
- Telnet access. With SOCKS, you set up one configuration file and one
- daemon. Through this file and daemon, both telnet and WWW are
- enabled, as well as any other service that you have not disabled.
- With the TIS toolkit, you set up one daemon for each WWW and telnet,
- as well as configuration files for each. After you have done this,
- other internet access is still prohibited until explicitly set up. If
- a daemon for a specific utility has not been provided (like talk),
- there is a "plug-in" daemon, but it is neither as flexible, nor as
- easy to set up, as the other tools.
- This might seem a minor, but it makes a major difference. SOCKS allows
- you to be sloppy. With a poorly set up SOCKS server, someone from the
- inside could gain more access to the internet than was originally
- intended. With the TIS toolkit, the people on the inside have only
- the access the system administrator wants them to have.
- SOCKS is easier to set up, easier to compile and allows for greater
- flexibility. The TIS toolkit is more secure if you want to regulate
- the users inside the protected network. Both provide absolute
- protection from the outside.
- I will cover the installation and setup of both.
- 5. Preparing the Linux system
- 5.1. Compiling the Kernel
- Start with a clean installation of your Linux distribution. (I used
- RedHat 3.0.3 and the examples here are based on this distribution.)
- The less software you have loaded the less holes, backdoors and/or
- bugs there will be to introduce security problems in your system, so
- load only a minimal set of applications.
- Pick a stable kernel. I used the Linux 2.0.14 kernel for my system.
- So this documentation is based on it's settings.
- You well need to recompile the Linux kernel with the appropriate
- options. At this point, you should look at the Kernel HOWTO, the
- Ethernet HOWTO, and the NET-2 HOWTO if you haven't done this before.
- Here are the network related setting I know work in 'make config'
- 1. Under General setup
- a. Turn Networking Support ON
- 2. Under Networking Options
- a. Turn Network firewalls ON
- b. Turn TCP/IP Networking ON
- c. Turn IP forwarding/gatewaying OFF (UNLESS you wish to use IP
- filtering)
- d. Turn IP Firewalling ON
- e. Turn IP firewall packet loggin ON (this is not required but it
- is a good idea)
- f. Turn IP: masquerading OFF (I am not covering this subject here.)
- g. Turn IP: accounting ON
- h. Turn IP: tunneling OFF
- i. Turn IP: aliasing OFF
- j. Turn IP: PC/TCP compatibility mode OFF
- k. Turn IP: Reverse ARP OFF
- l. Turn Drop source routed frames ON
- 3. Under Network device support
- a. Turn Network device support ON
- b. Turn Dummy net driver support ON
- c. Turn Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) ON
- d. Select your network card
- Now you can recompile, reinstall the kernel and reboot. Your network
- card/s should show up in the boot-up sequence. If not, go over the
- other HOWTOs again until it is working.
- 5.2. Configuring two network cards
- If you have two network cards in your computer, you most likely will
- need to add an append statement to your /etc/lilo.conf file to
- describe the IRQ and address of both cards. My lilo append statement
- looks like this:
- append="ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1"
- 5.3. Configuring the Network Addresses
- This is the real interesting part. Now you have a few decisions to
- make. Since we don't want the internet to have access to any part of
- the private network, we do not need to use real addresses. There are
- a number of internet addresses set aside for private networks. Because
- everyone needs more addresses and because these addresses can not
- cross the Internet they are a good choice.
- Of these, 192.168.2.xxx, is set aside and we will use it in our
- examples.
- Your proxy firewall will be a member of both networks and so it can
- pass the data through to and from the private network.
- __________
- _ __ _ \ | | / _______________
- | \/ \/ | \| Firewall |/ | |
- / Internet \--------| System |------------| Workstation/s |
- \_/\_/\_/\_/ |__________| |_______________|
- If your going to use a filtering firewall you can still use these
- numbers. You will need to use IP masquerading to make this happen.
- With this process the firewall will forward packets and translate them
- into "REAL " " IP address to travel on the Internet.
- You must assign the real IP address to the network card on the
- Internet (out) side. And, assign to the Ethernet card on
- inside. This will be your proxy/gateway IP address. You can assign
- all the other machines in the protected network some number in that
- 192.168.2.xxx range. ( through
- Since I use RedHat Linux (Hey guys, want to give me a copy for the
- plugs? ;-) to configure the network at boot time I added a 'ifcfg-
- eth1' file in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory. This file
- is read during the boot process to set your network and routing
- tables.
- Here is what my ifcfg-eth1 looks like;
- #!/bin/sh
- #>>>Device type: ethernet
- #>>>Variable declarations:
- DEVICE=eth1
- ONBOOT=yes
- #>>>End variable declarations
- You can also use these scripts to automatically connect by modem to
- your provider. Look at the ipup-ppp script.
- If your going to use a modem for your internet connection your outside
- IP address will be assigned for you by your provider at connect time.
- 5.4. Testing your network
- Start by checking ifconfig and route. If you have two network cards
- your ifconfig should look something like:
- #ifconfig
- lo Link encap:Local Loopback
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- RX packets:1620 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
- TX packets:1620 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
- eth0 Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:09:85:AC:55
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
- TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
- Interrupt:12 Base address:0x310
- eth1 Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:09:80:1E:D7
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
- TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
- Interrupt:15 Base address:0x350
- and your route table sould look like:
- #route -n
- Kernel routing table
- Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window Use Iface
- * U 1500 0 15 eth0
- * U 1500 0 0 eth1
- * U 3584 0 2 lo
- default * UG 1500 0 72 eth0
- Note: is the Internet side of this firewall and
- is the private side.
- Now try to ping the internet from the firewall. I used to use
- nic.ddn.mil as my test point. It's still a good test, but has proven
- to be less reliable than I had hoped. If it doesn't work at first,
- try pinging a couple other places that are not connected to your LAN.
- If this doesn't work, then your PPP is incorrectly setup. Reread the
- Net-2 HOWTO, and try again.
- Next, try pinging a host within the protected network from the
- firewall. All the computers should be able to ping each other. If
- not, go over the NET-2 HOWTO again and work on the network some more.
- Then, try to ping the outside address of firewall from inside the
- protected network. (NOTE: this is not any of the 192.168.2.xxx IP
- numbers.) If you can, then you have not turned off IP Forwarding.
- Make sure this is the way you want it. If you leave it turned on you
- will have to go through the IP filtering section of this document as
- well.
- Now try pinging the internet from behind your firewall. Use the same
- address that worked for you before. (I.E. nic.ddn.mil) Again, if you
- have IP Forwarding turned off, this should not work. But, if you have
- it turned on, it should.
- If have IP Forwarding turned on and your using a "REAL" (not
- 192.168.2.*) IP address for your private network, and you can't ping
- the internet but you can ping the internet side your firewall, check
- if the next router up stream is routing packets for your private
- network address. (Your provider may have to do this for you.)
- If you have assigned your protected network to 192.168.2.*, then no
- can packets can be routed to it anyway. If you have skipped ahead and
- you already have IP masquerading turn on, this test should work.
- Now, you have your basic system setup.
- 5.5. Securing the Firewall
- A firewall isn't any good if it is left wide open to attacks through a
- unused service. A "bad guy" could gain access to the firewall and
- modify it for their own needs.
- Start by turning off any unneeded services. Look at /etc/inetd.conf
- file. This file controls what are called the "super server". It
- controls a bunch of the server daemons and starts them as they are
- requested.
- Definitely turn off netstat, systat, tftp, bootp, and finger. To turn
- a service off, put # as the first character of the service line. When
- your done, send a SIG-HUP to the process by typing "kill -HUP <pid>",
- where <pid> is the process number of inetd. This will make inetd re-
- read its configuration file (inetd.conf) and restart.
- Test it out by telneting to port 15 on firewall, the netstat port. If
- you get an output of netstat, you have not restarted it correctly.
- 6. IP filtering setup (IPFWADM)
- To start, you should have IP Forwarding turned on in your kernel and
- your system should be up and forwarding everything you send it. Your
- routing tables should be in place and you should be able to access
- everything, both from the inside out and from the outside in.
- But, we're building a firewall so we need to start chocking down what
- everyone has access to.
- In my system I created a couple of scripts to set the firewall
- forwarding policy and accounting policy. I call theses scripts from
- the /etc/rc.d scripts so my system is configured at boot time.
- By default the IP Forwarding system in the Linux kernel forwards
- everything. Because of this, your firewall script should start by
- denying access to everything and flushing any ipfw rules in place from
- the last time it was run. This script will do the trick.
- #
- # setup IP packet Accounting and Forwarding
- #
- # Forwarding
- #
- # By default DENY all services
- ipfwadm -F -p deny
- # Flush all commands
- ipfwadm -F -f
- ipfwadm -I -f
- ipfwadm -O -f
- Now we have the ultimate firewall. Nothing can get through. No doubt
- you have some services you need to forward so here are a few examples
- you should find useful.
- # Forward email to your server
- ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D 25
- # Forward email connections to outside email servers
- ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535
- # Forward Web connections to your Web Server
- /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D 80
- # Forward Web connections to outside Web Server
- /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 196.1.2.* 80 -D 1024:65535
- # Forward DNS traffic
- /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P udp -S 53 -D
- You might also be interested in accounting for traffic going through
- your firewall. This script will count ever packet. You could add a
- line or to to account for packets going to just a single system.
- # Flush the current accounting rules
- ipfwadm -A -f
- # Accounting
- /sbin/ipfwadm -A -f
- /sbin/ipfwadm -A out -i -S -D
- /sbin/ipfwadm -A out -i -S -D
- /sbin/ipfwadm -A in -i -S -D
- /sbin/ipfwadm -A in -i -S -D
- If all you wanted was a filtering firewall you can stop here. Enjoy
- :-)
- 7. Installing the TIS Proxy server
- 7.1. Getting the software
- The TIS FWTK is avaible at ftp://ftp.tis.com/.
- Don't make the mistake I did. When you ftp files from TIS, READ THE
- README's. The TIS fwtk is locked up in a hidden directory on their
- server. TIS requires you send email to fwtk-request@tis.com with only
- the word SEND in the body of the message to learn the name of this
- hidden directory. No subject is needed in the message. Their system
- will then mails you back the directory name (good for 12 hours) to
- download the source.
- As I'm writing this TIS is releasing version 2.0 (beta) of the FWTK.
- This version seems to compile well (with a few exceptions) and
- everything is working for me. This is the version I will be covering
- here. When they release the final code I'll update the HOWTO.
- To install the FWTK, create a fwtk-2.0 directory in your /usr/src
- directory. Move your copy of the FWTK (fwtk-2.0.tar.gz) to your this
- directory and untar it (tar zxf fwtk-2.0.tar.gz).
- The FWTK does not proxy SSL web documents but there is an addon for it
- written by Jean-Christophe Touvet. It is avaible at
- ftp://ftp.edelweb.fr/pub/contrib/fwtk/ssl-gw.tar.Z. Touvet does not
- support this code.
- I am using a modified version that includes access to Netscape secure
- news servers written by Eric Wedel. It is available at
- ftp://mdi.meridian-data.com/pub/tis.fwtk/ssl-gw/ssl-gw2.tar.Z.
- In our example I will use Eric Wedel's version.
- To install it, simply create a ssl-gw directory in your
- /usr/src/fwtk-2.0 directory and put the files in it.
- When I installed this gateway it required a few changes before it
- would compile with the rest of the toolkit.
- The first change was to the ssl-gw.c file. I found it didn't include a
- needed include file.
- #if defined(__linux)
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #endif
- Second it didn't come with a Makefile. I copied one out of the other
- gateway directories and replaced the gateway's name with ssl-gw.
- 7.2. Compiling the TIS FWTK
- Version 2.0 of the FWTK compiles much easier then any of the older
- versions. I still found a couple of things that needed to be changed
- before the BETA version would compile cleanly. Hopefully these changes
- will be make in the final version.
- To fix it up, start by changing to the /usr/src/fwtk/fwtk directory
- and coping the Makefile.config.linux file over the Makefile.config
- file.
- DON'T RUN FIXMAKE. The instructions tell you to run this. If you do it
- will break the makefiles in each directory.
- I do have a fix for fixmake. The problem is the sed script add a '.'
- and '' to the include line of ever Makefile. This sed script works.
- sed 's/^include[ ]*\([^ ].*\)/include \1/' $name .proto > $name
- Next we need to edit the Makefile.config file. There are two changes
- you may need to make.
- The author set the source directory to his home directory. We are
- compiling our code in /usr/src so you should changed the FWTKSRCDIR
- variable to reflect this.
- FWTKSRCDIR=/usr/src/fwtk/fwtk
- Second, at least some Linux system us the gdbm database. The
- Makefile.config is using dbm. You might need to change this. I had to
- for RedHat 3.0.3.
- DBMLIB=-lgdbm
- The last fix is in the x-gw. The bug in the BETA version is in the
- socket.c code. To fix it remove these lines of code.
- #ifdef SCM_RIGHTS /* 4.3BSD Reno and later */
- + sizeof(un_name->sun_len) + 1
- #endif
- If you added the ssl-gw to your FWTK source directory you will need to
- add it to the list of directory in the Makefile.
- DIRS= smap smapd netacl plug-gw ftp-gw tn-gw rlogin-gw http-gw x-gw ssl-gw
- Now run make.
- 7.3. Installing the TIS FWTK
- Run make install.
- The default installation directory is /usr/local/etc. You could change
- this (I didn't) to a more secure directory. I chose to change the
- access to this directory to 'chmod 700'.
- All last is left now is to configure the firewall.
- 7.4. Configuring the TIS FWTK
- Now the fun realy begins. We must teach the system to call theses new
- services and create the tables to control them.
- I'm not going to try to re-write the TIS FWTK manual here. I will show
- you the setting I found worked and explain the problems I ran into and
- how I got around them.
- There are three files that make up these controls.
- ╖ /etc/services
- ╖ Tells the system what ports a services is on.
- ╖ /etc/inetd.conf
- ╖ Tells inetd what program to call when someone knocks on a service
- port.
- ╖ /usr/local/etc/netperm-table
- ╖ Tells the FWTK services who to allow and deny service to.
- To get the FWTK functioning, you should edit these files from the
- bottom up. Editing the services file without the inetd.conf or
- netperm-table file set correctly could make your system inaccessible.
- 7.4.1. The netperm-table file
- This file controls who can access the services of the TIS FWTK. You
- should think about the traffic using the firewall from both sides.
- People outside your network should identify themselves before gaining
- access, but the people inside your network might be allowed to just
- pass through.
- So people can identify themselves, the firewall uses a program called
- authsrv to keep a database of user IDs and passwords. The
- authentication section of the netperm-table controls where the
- database is keep and who can access it.
- I had some trouble closing the access to this service. Note the
- premit-hosts line I show uses a '*' to give everyone access. The
- correct setting for this line is '' authsrv: premit-hosts localhost if
- you can get it working.
- #
- # Proxy configuration table
- #
- # Authentication server and client rules
- authsrv: database /usr/local/etc/fw-authdb
- authsrv: permit-hosts *
- authsrv: badsleep 1200
- authsrv: nobogus true
- # Client Applications using the Authentication server
- *: authserver 114
- To initialize the database, su to root, and run ./authsrv in the
- /var/local/etc directory to create the administrative user record.
- Here is a sample session.
- Read the FWTK documentation to learn how to add users and groups.
- #
- # authsrv
- authsrv# list
- authsrv# adduser admin "Auth DB admin"
- ok - user added initially disabled
- authsrv# ena admin
- enabled
- authsrv# proto admin pass
- changed
- authsrv# pass admin "plugh"
- Password changed.
- authsrv# superwiz admin
- set wizard
- authsrv# list
- Report for users in database
- user group longname ok? proto last
- ------ ------ ------------------ ----- ------ -----
- admin Auth DB admin ena passw never
- authsrv# display admin
- Report for user admin (Auth DB admin)
- Authentication protocol: password
- Flags: WIZARD
- authsrv# ^D
- #
- The telnet gateway (tn-gw) controls are straight forward and the first
- you should set up.
- In my example, I premit host from inside the private network to pass
- through without authenticating themselves. (permit-hosts 19961.2.*
- -passok) But, any other user must enter their user ID and password to
- use the proxy. (permit-hosts * -auth)
- I also allow one other system ( to access the firewall
- directly without going through the firewall at all. The two inetacl-
- in.telnetd lines do this. I will explain how these lines are called
- latter.
- The Telnet timeout should be keep short.
- # telnet gateway rules:
- tn-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-deny.txt
- tn-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-welcome.txt
- tn-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-help.txt
- tn-gw: timeout 90
- tn-gw: permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -passok -xok
- tn-gw: permit-hosts * -auth
- # Only the Administrator can telnet directly to the Firewall via Port 24
- netacl-in.telnetd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
- The r-commands work the same way as telnet.
- # rlogin gateway rules:
- rlogin-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-deny.txt
- rlogin-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-welcome.txt
- rlogin-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-help.txt
- rlogin-gw: timeout 90
- rlogin-gw: permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -passok -xok
- rlogin-gw: permit-hosts * -auth -xok
- # Only the Administrator can telnet directly to the Firewall via Port
- netacl-rlogind: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/rlogind -a
- You shouldn't have anyone accessing your firewall directly and that
- includes FTP so don't put an FTP, server on you firewall.
- Again, the permit-hosts line allows anyone in the protected network
- free access to the Internet and all others must authenticate
- themselves. I included logging of every file sent and received to my
- controls. (-log { retr stor })
- The ftp timeout controls how long it will take to drop a bad
- connections as well as how long a connection will stay open with out
- activity.
- # ftp gateway rules:
- ftp-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-deny.txt
- ftp-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-welcome.txt
- ftp-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-help.txt
- ftp-gw: timeout 300
- ftp-gw: permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -log { retr stor }
- ftp-gw: permit-hosts * -authall -log { retr stor }
- Web, gopher and browser based ftp are contorted by the http-gw. The
- first two lines create a directory to store ftp and web documents as
- they are passing through the firewall. I make these files owned by
- root and put the in a directory accessible only by root.
- The Web connection should be kept short. It controls how long the user
- will wait on a bad connections.
- # www and gopher gateway rules:
- http-gw: userid root
- http-gw: directory /jail
- http-gw: timeout 90
- http-gw: default-httpd www.afs.net
- http-gw: hosts 196.1.2.* -log { read write ftp }
- http-gw: deny-hosts *
- The ssl-gw is really just a pass anything gateway. Be carefull with
- it. In this example I allow anyone inside the protected network to
- connect to any server outside the network except the addresses
- 127.0.0.* and 192.1.1.* and then only on ports 443 through 563. Ports
- 443 through 563 are known SSL ports.
- # ssl gateway rules:
- ssl-gw: timeout 300
- ssl-gw: hosts 196.1.2.* -dest { !127.0.0.* !192.1.1.* *:443:563 }
- ssl-gw: deny-hosts *
- Here is an example of how to use the plug-gw to allow connections to a
- news server. In this example I allow anyone inside the protected
- network to connect to only one system and only to it's news port.
- The seconded line allows the news server to pass its data back to the
- protected network.
- Because most clients expect to stay connected while the user read
- news, the timeout for a news server should be long.
- # NetNews Pluged gateway
- plug-gw: timeout 3600
- plug-gw: port nntp 196.1.2.* -plug-to -port nntp
- plug-gw: port nntp -plug-to 196.1.2.* -port nntp
- The finger gateway is simple. Anyone inside the protected network must
- login first and then we allow them to use the finger program on the
- firewall. Anyone else just gets a message.
- # Enable finger service
- netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -exec /usr/libexec/fingerd
- netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts * -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/finger.txt
- I haven't setup the Mail and X-windows services so I'm not including
- examples. If anyone has a working example, please send me email.
- 7.4.2. The inetd.conf file
- Here is a complete /etc/inetd.conf file. All un-needed services have
- been commented out. I have included the complete file to show what to
- turn off, as well as how to setup the new firewall services.
- #echo stream tcp nowait root internal
- #echo dgram udp wait root internal
- #discard stream tcp nowait root internal
- #discard dgram udp wait root internal
- #daytime stream tcp nowait root internal
- #daytime dgram udp wait root internal
- #chargen stream tcp nowait root internal
- #chargen dgram udp wait root internal
- # FTP firewall gateway
- ftp-gw stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw ftp-gw
- # Telnet firewall gateway
- telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/tn-gw /usr/local/etc/tn-gw
- # local telnet services
- telnet-a stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/netacl in.telnetd
- # Gopher firewall gateway
- gopher stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw
- # WWW firewall gateway
- http stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw
- # SSL firewall gateway
- ssl-gw stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/ssl-gw ssl-gw
- # NetNews firewall proxy (using plug-gw)
- nntp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw nntp
- #nntp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.nntpd
- # SMTP (email) firewall gateway
- #smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/smap smap
- #
- # Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD protocols.
- #
- #shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rshd
- #login stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rlogind
- #exec stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.rexecd
- #talk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.talkd
- #ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ntalkd
- #dtalk stream tcp waut nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.dtalkd
- #
- # Pop and imap mail services et al
- #
- #pop-2 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd ipop2d
- #pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd ipop3d
- #imap stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd imapd
- #
- # The Internet UUCP service.
- #
- #uucp stream tcp nowait uucp /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -l
- #
- # Tftp service is provided primarily for booting. Most sites
- # run this only on machines acting as "boot servers." Do not uncomment
- # this unless you *need* it.
- #
- #tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd
- #bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd bootpd
- #
- # Finger, systat and netstat give out user information which may be
- # valuable to potential "system crackers." Many sites choose to disable
- # some or all of these services to improve security.
- #
- # cfinger is for GNU finger, which is currently not in use in RHS Linux
- #
- finger stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.fingerd
- #cfinger stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.cfingerd
- #systat stream tcp nowait guest /usr/sbin/tcpd /bin/ps -auwwx
- #netstat stream tcp nowait guest /usr/sbin/tcpd /bin/netstat -f inet
- #
- # Time service is used for clock syncronization.
- #
- #time stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.timed
- #time dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.timed
- #
- # Authentication
- #
- auth stream tcp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.identd -w -t120
- authsrv stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/authsrv authsrv
- #
- # End of inetd.conf
- 7.4.3. The /etc/services file
- This is where it all begins. When a client connects to the firewall it
- connects on a known port (less then 1024). For example telnet
- connects on port 23. The inetd deamon hears this connection and looks
- up the name of these service in the /etc/services file. It then calls
- the program assigned to the name in the /etc/inetd.conf file.
- Some of the services we are creating are not normally in the
- /etc/services file. You can assign some of them to any port you want.
- For example, I have assigned the administrator's telnet port (telnet-
- a) to port 24. You could assign it to port 2323 if you wished. For
- the administrator (YOU) to connect directly to the firewall you will
- need to telnet to port 24 not 23 and if you setup your netperm-table
- file, like I did, you will only be able to to this from one system
- inside your protected network.
- telnet-a 24/tcp
- ftp-gw 21/tcp # this named changed
- auth 113/tcp ident # User Verification
- ssl-gw 443/tcp
- 8. The SOCKS Proxy Server
- 8.1. Setting up the Proxy Server
- The SOCKS proxy server available from
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/misc/socks-linux-
- src.tgz. There is also an example config file in that directory
- called "socks-conf". Uncompress and untar the files into a directory
- on your system, and follow the instructions on how to make it. I had
- a couple problems when I made it. Make sure that your Makefiles are
- correct.
- One important thing to note is that the proxy server needs to be added
- to /etc/inetd.conf. You must add a line:
- socks stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/local/etc/sockd sockd
- to tell the server to run when requested.
- 8.2. Configuring the Proxy Server
- The SOCKS program needs two separate configuration files. One to tell
- the access allowed, and one to route the requests to the appropriate
- proxy server. The access file should be housed on the server. The
- routing file should be housed on every Un*x machine. The DOS and,
- presumably, Macintosh computers will do their own routing.
- 8.2.1. The Access File
- With socks4.2 Beta, the access file is called "sockd.conf". It should
- contain 2 lines, a permit and a deny line. Each line will have three
- entries:
- ╖ The Identifier (permit/deny)
- ╖ The IP address
- ╖ The address modifier
- The identifier is either permit or deny. You should have both a
- permit and a deny line.
- The IP address holds a four byte address in typical IP dot notation.
- I.E.
- The address modifier is also a typical IP address four byte number.
- It works like a netmask. Envision this number to be 32 bits (1s or
- 0s). If the bit is a 1, the corresponding bit of the address that it
- is checking must match the corresponding bit in the IP address field.
- For instance, if the line is:
- permit
- it will permit only the IP address that matches every bit in
-, eg, only The line:
- permit
- will permit every number within group through
-, the whole C Class domain. One should not have the
- line:
- permit
- as this will permit every address, regardless.
- So, first permit every address you want to permit, and then deny the
- rest. To allow everyone in the domain 192.168.2.xxx, the lines:
- permit
- deny
- will work nicely. Notice the first "" in the deny line. With
- a modifier of, the IP address field does not matter. All 0's
- is the norm because it is easy to type.
- More than one entry of each is allowed.
- Specific users can also be granted or denied access. This is done via
- ident authentication. Not all systems support ident, including
- Trumpet Winsock, so I will not go into it here. The documentation
- with socks is quite adequate on this subject.
- 8.2.2. The Routing File
- The routing file in SOCKS is poorly named "socks.conf". I say "poorly
- named" because it is so close to the name of the access file that it
- is easy to get the two confused.
- The routing file is there to tell the SOCKS clients when to use socks
- and when not to. For instance, in our network, will not
- need to use socks to talk with, firewall. It has a direct
- connection in via Ethernet. It defines, the loopback,
- automatically. Of course you do not need SOCKS to talk to yourself.
- There are three entries:
- ╖ deny
- ╖ direct
- ╖ sockd
- Deny tells SOCKS when to reject a request. This entry has the same
- three fields as in sockd.conf, identifier, address and modifier.
- Generally, since this is also handled by sockd.conf, the access file,
- the modifier field is set to If you want to preclude
- yourself from calling any place, you can do it here.
- The direct entry tells which addresses to not use socks for. These
- are all the addresses that can be reached without the proxy server.
- Again we have the three fields, identifier, address and modifier. Our
- example would have
- direct
- Thus going direct for any on our protected network.
- The sockd entry tells the computer which host has the socks server
- daemon on it. The syntax is:
- sockd @=<serverlist> <IP address> <modifier>
- Notice the @= entry. This allows you to set the IP addresses of a
- list of proxy servers. In our example, we only use one proxy server.
- But, you can have many to allow a greater load and for redundancy in
- case of failure.
- The IP address and modifier fields work just like in the other
- examples. You specify which addresses go where through these. 6.2.3.
- DNS from behind a Firewall
- Setting up Domain Name service from behind a firewall is a relatively
- simple task. You need merely to set up the DNS on the firewalling
- machine. Then, set each machine behind the firewall to use this DNS.
- 8.3. Working With a Proxy Server
- 8.3.1. Unix
- To have your applications work with the proxy server, they need to be
- "sockified". You will need two different telnets, one for direct
- communication, one for communication via the proxy server. SOCKS
- comes with instructions on how to SOCKify a program, as well as a
- couple pre-SOCKified programs. If you use the SOCKified version to go
- somewhere direct, SOCKS will automatically switch over to the direct
- version for you. Because of this, we want to rename all the programs
- on our protected network and replace them with the SOCKified programs.
- "Finger" becomes "finger.orig", "telnet" becomes "telnet.orig", etc.
- You must tell SOCKS about each of these via the include/socks.h file.
- Certain programs will handle routing and sockifying itself. Netscape
- is one of these. You can use a proxy server under Netscape by
- entering the server's address ( in our case) in the SOCKs
- field under Proxies. Each application will need at least a little
- messing with, regardless of how it handles a proxy server.
- 8.3.2. MS Windows with Trumpet Winsock
- Trumpet Winsock comes with built in proxy server capabilities. In the
- "setup" menu, enter the IP address of the server, and the addresses of
- all the computers reachable directly. Trumpet will then handle all
- outgoing packets.
- 8.3.3. Getting the Proxy Server to work with UDP Packets
- The SOCKS package works only with TCP packets, not UDP. This makes it
- quite a bit less useful. Many useful programs, such as talk and
- Archie, use UDP. There is a package designed to be used as a proxy
- server for UDP packets called UDPrelay, by Tom Fitzgerald
- <fitz@wang.com>. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, it is
- not compatible with Linux.
- 8.4. Drawbacks with Proxy Servers
- The proxy server is, above all, a security device. Using it to
- increase internet access with limited IP addresses will have many
- drawbacks. A proxy server will allow greater access from inside the
- protected network to the outside, but will keep the inside completely
- unaccessible from the outside. This means no servers, talk or archie
- connections, or direct mailing to the inside computers. These
- drawbacks might seem slight, but think of it this way:
- ╖ You have left a report you are doing on your computer inside a
- firewall protected network. You are at home, and decide that you
- would like to go over it. You can not. You can not reach your
- computer because it is behind the firewall. You try to log into
- firewall first, but since everyone has proxy server access, no one
- has set up an account for you on it.
- ╖ Your daughter goes to college. You want to email her. You have
- some private things to talk about, and would rather have your mail
- sent directly to your machine. You trust your systems
- administrator completely, but still, this is private mail.
- ╖ The inability to use UDP packets represents a big drawback with the
- proxy servers. I imagine UDP capabilities will be coming shortly.
- FTP causes another problem with a proxy server. When getting or doing
- an ls, the FTP server opens a socket on the client machine and sends
- the information through it. A proxy server will not allow this, so
- FTP doesn't particularly work.
- And, proxy servers run slow. Because of the greater overhead, almost
- any other means of getting this access will be faster.
- Basically, if you have the IP addresses, and you are not worried about
- security, do not use a firewall and/or proxy servers. If you do not
- have the IP addresses, but you are also not worried about security,
- you might also want to look into using an IP emulator, like Term,
- Slirp or TIA. Term is available from ftp://sunsite.unc.edu, Slirp is
- available from ftp://blitzen.canberra.edu.au/pub/slirp, and TIA is
- available from marketplace.com. These packages will run faster, allow
- better connections, and provide a greater level of access to the
- inside network from the internet. Proxy servers are good for those
- networks which have a lot of hosts that will want to connect to the
- internet on the fly, with one setup and little work after that.
- 9. Advanced Configurations
- There is one configuration I would like to go over before wrapping
- this document up. The one I have just outlined will probably suffice
- for most people. However, I think the next outline will show a more
- advanced configuration that can clear up some questions. If you have
- questions beyond what I have just covered, or are just interested in
- the versatility of proxy servers and firewalls, read on.
- 9.1. A large network with emphasis on security
- Say, for instance, you are the leader of millisha and you wish to
- network your site. You have 50 computers and a subnet of 32 (5 bits)
- IP numbers. You need various levels of access within your network
- because you tell your followers different things. Therefore, you'll
- need to protect certain parts of the network from the rest.
- The levels are:
- 1. The external level. This is the level that gets shown to
- everybody. This is where you rant and rave to get new volunteers.
- 2. Troop This is the level of people who have gotten beyond the
- external level. Here is where you teach them about the evail
- goverment and how to make bombs.
- 3. Mercenary Here is where the real plans are keep. In this level is
- stored all the information on how the 3rd world goverment is going
- to take over the world, your plans involving Newt Gingrich,
- Oklahoma City, lown care products and what realy is stored in that
- hangers at area 51.
- 9.1.1. The Network Setup
- The IP numbers are arranged as:
- ╖ 1 number is, which is the broadcast address and is
- not usable.
- ╖ 23 of the 32 IP addresses are allocated to 23 machines that will be
- accessible to the internet.
- ╖ 1 extra IP goes to a linux box on that network
- ╖ 1 extra goes to a different linux box on that network.
- ╖ 2 IP #'s go to the router
- ╖ 4 are left over, but given domain names paul, ringo, john, and
- george, just to confuse things a bit.
- ╖ The protected networks both have the addresses 192.168.2.xxx
- Then, two separate networks are built, each in different rooms. They
- are routed via infrared Ethernet so that they are completely invisible
- to the outside room. Luckily, infrared ethernet works just like
- normal ethernet.
- These networks are each connected to one of the linux boxes with an
- extra IP address.
- There is a file server connecting the two protected networks. This is
- because the plans for taking over the world involves some of the
- higher Troops. The file server holds the address for the
- Troop network and for the Mercenary network. It has to
- have different IP addresses because it has to have different Ethernet
- cards. IP Forwarding on it is turned off.
- IP Forwarding on both Linux boxes is also turned off. The router will
- not forward packets destined for 192.168.2.xxx unless explicitly told
- to do so, so the internet will not be able to get in. The reason for
- turning off IP Forwarding here is so that packets from the Troop's
- network will not be able to reach the Mercenary network, and vica
- versa.
- The NFS server can also be set to offer different files to the
- different networks. This can come in handy, and a little trickery
- with symbolic links can make it so that the common files can be shared
- with all. Using this setup and another ethernet card can offer this
- one file server for all three networks.
- 9.1.2. The Proxy Setup
- Now, since all three levels want to be able to monitor the network for
- their own devious purposes, all three need to have net access. The
- external network is connected directly into the internet, so we don't
- have to mess with proxy servers here. The Mercenary and Troop
- networks are behind firewalls, so it is necessary to set up proxy
- servers here.
- Both networks will be setup very similarly. They both have the same
- IP addresses assigned to them. I will throw in a couple of
- parameters, just to make things more interesting though.
- 1. No one can use the file server for internet access. This exposes
- the file server to viruses and other nasty things, and it is rather
- important, so its off limits.
- 2. We will not allow troop access to the World Wide Web. They are in
- training, and this kind of information retrieval power might prove
- to be damaging.
- So, the sockd.conf file on the Troop's linux box will have this line:
- deny
- and on the Mercenary machine:
- deny
- And, the Troop's linux box will have this line
- deny eq 80
- This says to deny access to all machines trying to access the port
- equal (eq) to 80, the http port. This will still allow all other
- services, just deny Web access.
- Then, both files will have:
- permit
- to allow all the computers on the 192.168.2.xxx network to use this
- proxy server except for those that have already been denied (ie. the
- file server and Web access from the Troop network).
- The Troop's sockd.conf file will look like:
- deny
- deny eq 80
- permit
- and the Mercenary file will look like:
- deny
- permit
- This should configure everything correctly. Each network is isolated
- accordingly, with the proper amount of interaction. Everyone should
- be happy.
- Now, take over the world!